“This Is My Chance To Voice The Truth … And To Take My Power Back.” | Pistons Fire Assistant GM Rob Murphy For Sexual Misconduct Towards His Executive Assistant DeJanai Raska

The Detroit Pistons have fired assistant general manager Rob Murphy for an alleged violation of the team workplace conduct policy. Murphy was placed on leave seven months ago when an allegation of workplace misconduct with a former female employee was made. His firing is the result of an investigation into the incident.

“Rob Murphy no longer works for the Detroit Pistons or Motor City Cruise, in any capacity,” the Pistons said in a statement to the Detroit Free Press on Wednesday. “Mr. Murphy was recently terminated for violation of company policy and the terms of his employment agreement. The facts that gave rise to his termination surfaced during a review, assisted by a national law firm, of allegations made by a former employee.”

According to Pistons beat writer Omari Sankofa II, DeJanai Raska — Murphy’s former executive assistant who made the sexual harassment allegations — filed a lawsuit against the team on Thursday.

Why Was Rob Murphy Fired?

Raska told the Detroit Free Press that Murphy committed multiple harassing acts after she started working as his executive assistant in September 2021, including grabbing her butt, groping her in front of her 4-year-old daughter and saying he wanted to “put a baby in her.” She also accused Murphy — then the president and general manager of the Pistons’ G League team — of trying to force her to have sex.

“Silence is not an option,” Raska said. “It’s not for me. It shouldn’t be for any woman. … This is my chance to voice the truth … and to take my power back.”

Like many women that are victims of sexual harassment, Raska said that she was afraid to come forward for fear of retaliation in the form of losing her job. In many instances, sexual harassment occurs through an abuse of power. As her boss Murphy was in a position to use his power over her for his own personal satisfaction.

Raska said she lost her job in May 2022 when Murphy sent a fraudulent email to the team’s human relations department saying she had resigned.

Victim Files Lawsuit

She also accused the Pistons of not following through after she told team attorneys what happened, leading to her decision to sue.

“We came forward before filing a lawsuit with the goal of having the Pistons do the right thing,” said attorney Megan Bonanni, one of Raska’s lawyers, adding, “The organization condoned and approved and were complicit in what he did. And they were hoping that Ms. Raska would go away.”

This is a horrendous look for Murphy and the Pistons. There is clear evidence of wrongdoing or Murphy would not have been fired. If Raska told the team and they dragged their feet or didn’t take her claims of harassment seriously, there is more than enough grounds for a lawsuit.

Sadly this is not a unique incident in the NBA. The Dallas Mavericks and Phoenix Suns in recent years have both come under fire for having workplaces rife with harassment.

Murphy was hired as president and GM of Detroit’s NBA G League affiliate last spring and was promoted to his Pistons assistant GM. Before joining the Pistons organization, Murphy spent 10 seasons as head coach of Eastern Michigan from 2011 to 2021.

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