Notre Dame Athletics | Fighting Irish TV Success Lays Blue Print For College Football Programs

Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish TV streaming service is off to a promising start. Early numbers have been encouraging and the school is now considering a subscription option that could launch later this year or next.

Debuting in April, programming included highlights and interviews from workouts – in addition to features on the players displaying their skills for NFL scouts and evaluators. According to Sports Business Journal, the service generated more than 58,000 minutes of viewing on its first day following Notre Dame’s pro day. 



Fighting Irish TV offers a ‘Netflix, Hulu’ style menu of content. Viewers can choose among shows categorized by sport. In addition, archived home football games (going back to 1991) and event clips from various sports can be selected to view. The service also includes documentary-style content such as Notre Dame Legend Lou Holtz being appointed as football coach in the 1980s.



Fighting Irish TV is currently available to download for free through Apple TV, Android TV, and Amazon. 

The success of Fighting Irish TV will most likely drawn the attention of other schools looking to develop a similar platform for their athletic programs, many of whom have devoted fanbases equally, if not more, than Notre Dame.

Fans would love to see how Nick Saban runs his operation in Tuscaloosa or how Ed Orgeron gets his players ready to go every Saturday in Baton Rouge. And as this new genre of college football begins to take form, opportunity for access should become easier to obtain.

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