Michigan State, USA Gymnastics Deserve Cruel And Unusual Punishment

Larry Nassar. As he sat in the courtroom awaiting sentencing, we could see his true nature splayed out like he was somehow being unjustly put upon. Previously, Nassar had complained to the presiding judge Rosemarie Aquilina of his discomfort with having to sit in the courtroom and listen to victim after victim speak of his betrayal, his debauchery, his maliciousness and, ultimately, his own sniveling cowardice.

When we imagine the movements of monster, we often visualize them as having some grotesque physical feature that would clearly signal that they are to be labeled as leviathan. The acidic breath of a basilisk, talons of a griffin or a cold gaze that turns one to stone.  But, no. Thats just not how the world works. But there are still great similarities between the monsters we imagine, and those that really prey upon the flesh of the innocent.

The real monsters, like their imaginary counterparts, employ all sorts of hunting mechanisms in order to get closer to their prey.  In the case of Nassar, he worked hard to become a world-renowned doctor working with little girls and young women who dreamed of honoring their country as Olympians. 

His treachery was targeted, purposeful, and the armor of ambiguity built up by enabling institutions, nearly impenetrable.  But bravery, like a projectile from God, did break through the beasts tempered defenses and stripped away all that concealed him.  As he sat in a courtroom that was alive with raw emotion and electrified by media presence, with all his prior allies vanquished as enablers, defenders and advocates for a sociopath, he was truly at the mercy of the courts. 

Judge Aquilina said Nassar’s “decision to assault was precise, calculated, manipulative, devious, despicable.”

“It is my honor and privilege to sentence you,” she said. “You do not deserve to walk outside a prison ever again. You have done nothing to control those urges and anywhere you walk, destruction will occur to those most vulnerable.”

Gold medalist Aly Raisman delivers powerful message to accused Olympic doctor in court

Gold medalist Aly Raisman appeared in court to testify against former U.S. Olympic doctor Larry Nassar Friday morning.

Over the years, Nassar is accused of victimizing over 160 young girls in his care.  Girls who trusted him, girls whose parents sought out his consultation and expertise, some of whom are still being billed by Michigan State University Medical Center, can have some kind of closure.   

The proverbial spear of Longinus that struck down this devil was brandished by Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas, McKayla Maroney, Simone Biles, and many others that decided to come forward.  A timeline of Nassars entire career was created by SB Nation.   From this timeline, we can discern that Nassar spent his entire professional life trying to become credentialed enough to where he could have an endless supply of victims to prey upon.

It also chronicles numerous incidents in which victims went to through the proper institutional channels to report Nassars behavior, but did not see justice.

ESPN on Twitter

Those abused by Larry Nassar revealed themselves to be powerful survivors.

In 2000, MSU softball player Tiffany Thomas Lopez told three different university athletic trainers of Nassars sexually inappropriate medical treatments, nothing was done. In fact, she was told to be grateful she was being treated by him.  The same year Nassar is accused by USA gymnastics member Rachael Denhollander.  Nothing was done in either instance.  Nassar would go to the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney as the United States womens gymnastics team physician and the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing in the same position.

In 2014, Michigan State graduate Amanda Thomashow reported to Dr. Jeff Kovan of the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic that she was sexually assaulted by Nassar.  University president Lou Anna K Simon was made aware of the incident as a Title IX complaint, but a police report did not mention the physician by name.

He continues working at the university for 16 months while police investigate. Meanwhile, the university didnt hand over any information to prosecutors until July 2016. Prosecutors announced they would file charges six months later.  

Thanks to an ongoing investigation published by the Indianapolis Star in August 2016, the blinding light of public scrutiny began to reveal Nassar for the monster he truly is.

A day later, the United States Senate penned a letter to USAG president and CEO Steve Penny expressing concern over the complaint.

In 2016, Denholder filed a police complaint against Nassar with MSU police alleging he assaulted her in 2000.

Nassar was merely reassigned from his clinical duties afterwards.  He was officially fired from MSU a month later.

The Shadow League on Twitter

Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentences Larry Nassar to 40 to 175 years in prison. “I just signed your death warrant.” https://t.co/QwSsbBWFuX

In February 2017, Michigan State gymnastics coach Kathie Klages was suspended after court records show she discouraged two women from filing sexual assault claims against Nassar.  Indeed, a significant part about this sordid tale is how many women in positions of power helped Nassar get away with this.  MSU president Lou Anna Simon is resigning due to her failed leadership on the issue.

For their penance, USA Gymnastics board members, Chairman Paul Parilla, Vice Chairman Jay Binder and Treasurer Bitsy Kelley all tendered their resignation, effective Jan. 21, 2018.

If not for the bravery of these young ladies that fell victim to Nassar, he might still be running around ruining lives.  Not only is this a case of bravery amid wickedness, but of institutional maleficence. They practically conspired with Nassar to sexually assault these ladies, but now MSU and USAG supporters ask for forgiveness? 

I say each should be eviscerated with a devastating, purposefully cruel punishment to match the devastation and cruelty they enabled Nassar to visit up his victims for decades.

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