LeBron James Is Not Down With Trump

LeBron James has not been quiet lately, on any issue for that matter.

He’s spoken up against social injustice, campaigned for Hillary Clinton and exchanged words with Charles Barkley. Now, after being the recipient of the NAACP’s Jackie Robinson Award, King James made his feelings clear on the new President’s recent actions.

Diversity is what makes this country so great. We should all continue to speak up and fight for ideas that bring people together regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs or any other differences.

As a global icon playing in a global league, LeBron isn’t going to sit on the bench when it comes to the blatantly exclusionary policies of the new administration.

“It’s important that we as athletes continue to use the platform we have to speak up for what we believe in,”

James has been dominating both on the court and off of it, becoming a media empire through deals with Starz (“Survivor’s Remorse”), NBC (“The Wall”) and other upcoming deals with other broadcast companies. He’s also put his money where his mouth is, literally, as he guaranteed college educations to thousands of students in Akron through his LeBron James Family foundation and, most recently, he donated $2.5 million to help fund a Smithsonian National Museum of African American History exhibit on the late, great Muhammad Ali.

And despite his hectic schedule and quest to win back-to-back championships with the Cavs, James wasn’t going to quietly into the night after Trump issued his (Muslim) travel ban last week. “I am not in favor of this policy or any policy that divides and excludes people,” he says. “I stand with the many, many Americans who believe this does not represent what the United States is all about. And we should continue to speak out about it.”

If anyone has anything to say about James, they better remember what they say about coming for the King….

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