KG, Melo, LaLa, Honey Nut Cheerios and Fighting Words

By now, most sports fans have heard about Carmelo Anthony losing his cool in the Knicks 102-96 loss to the Celtics Monday night. Kevin Garnett has long been known as one the leagues most aggravating players, but he had to have taken it to an extra level to get Anthony so angry that he waited by the Celts' bus for over an hour after the game to “talk” to Garnett.

Anthony spoke to the media today to give us a little more insight into the altercation:

"It's something you just don't say to men, another man,'' Anthony said Tuesday after practice in Greenburgh.”I feel like we crossed the line. My mindset and motive of going back there to see him at the locker room and seeing him at the bus, I wanted to have a one-on-one conversation with him and talk about it like two grown men.''

Anthony wouldn’t give specifics on what was said. But, a high-level NBA executive present at the game confirmed to The Shadow League that KG allegedly said of Anthony's wife, "LaLa tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios."

Garnett went entirely too far, and while Anthony says it’s over, I wouldn’t blame him for getting some payback. 

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