James Bond Joins Other Actors in President’s Anti-Sexual Assault Initiative

The travesty of sexual assault has been one of the most pervasive societal problems since the beginning of civilization. But little has been done to do away with these nefarious happenings.  Victims are often questioned as if they are on trial, and their attackers are sometimes coddled and protected.  Chances are many of the individuals reading this piece have been victimized or know someone who has been victimized by sexual assault. But finally, major acknowledgment is coming.

The White House announced an initiative aimed at stopping sexual violence on college campuses in America and have recruited the help of A list celebrities to spread the message and educate young men and women. Daniel Craig, Steve Carell, Seth Meyers, Benicio del Toro, and Dule Hill are all working with the campaign comprised of a minute-long ad featuring them as well as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.


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