Isaiah Thomas Is The Answer To Cleveland’s Problems

As the social media rate race continues to make breaking news a never-ending cycle of turning molehills into mountains, there has been reports of panic over the Cleveland Cavaliers’ 3-5 start. LeBron and crew arent functioning at a high offensive level and once again, hes carrying a huge load again, leading a struggling offense that is 17th in the NBA in scoring. 

With the exception of Kyle Korver, no one is shooting better than Iman Shumperts .385 from three-point range. The offense is stagnant. Uncolorful. But of course it is. 

They lost one of the games most lethal ball handlers and offensive threats in Kyrie Irving and havent replaced him with high-octane scorer yet. Its more evident than ever that Isaiah Thomas is the key to the Cavaliers season. Hes the multi-faceted scoring option that LeBron is lacking. The diminutive dynamo that Kobe Bryant named “Mighty IT” is a difference maker in every way and when he returns, his presence will affect the power struggle in the Eastern Conference.  

Kobe Bryant on Twitter

Nope. He plays with #MambaMentality but he is now and forever will be known as the #MightyIT

Thomas busted hip won’t be ready to play in a game for Cleveland until January, and Thomas is still angry at the Celtics for shipping him out for Irving in a blockbuster trade this summer. 

“I might not ever talk to Danny [Ainge] again. That might not happen,” said Thomas. “Ill talk to everybody else. But what he did, knowing everything I went through, you dont do that, bro. Thats not right. Im not saying eff you. But every team in this situation comes out a year or two later and says, We made a mistake. Thats what theyll say, too.” 

When he does return, the assassin with the chip on his shoulder the size of a boulder will have even more incentive to annihilate everything that moves on the hardwood when he returns. Thomas will undoubtedly be a fresh of air for LeBron, open up the Cavs offense and create an entirely new dynamic. Right now, LBJ is just buying time. 

After last nights 124-107 loss to the Indiana Pacers, Cleveland’s fourth straight , King James said the team “…cant sustain effort for 48 minutes

Indiana Pacers @ Cleveland Cavaliers – November 1, 2017 – Recap

Pacers vs. Cavs – Highlights 50% Bonus – NBA Betting –

When asked how they solve that problem, LeBron responded, I dont know.

He knows. The answer is a return of Isaiah Thomas to the NBA main stage, now as a hungry, disrespected and vengeful warrior still hurting over the untimely death of his sister,  and channeling all of his pain into getting revenge against the team that he feels stabbed him in the back. 

LeBron knows damn well how to fix this problem. He just can’t do anything about it until 2018.  

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