“I Get Credit And Brady Gets Way Too Much Credit For What Byron Does With Our Offense” | Bruce Arians Takes Parting Shot At Tom Brady

It’s no secret that Tom Brady and Bruce Arians aren’t the greatest of friends, and while they may respect each other in a working environment and won a Super Bowl in Brady’s first year in Tampa, their relationship soured after two seasons.


Many believe that’s why Brady retired for 44 days. Even more believe TB12 only decided to return because he knew Arians would resign. While that may be true, Arians isn’t letting any opportunity to take a shot at Brady pass him by.

In a radio interview this week with Arizona Sports 98.7 FM, Arians was asked about his thoughts on offensive coordinator Byron Leftwich, aka “BWitch,” and his qualifications as a head coaching candidate. 

Leftwich is a master of offense construction and a deft play-caller who basically reinvented Arians’ offense to accommodate Brady’s strengths and hide his weaknesses. As a leader in NFL minority hiring, Arians make it a point to highlight Black coaches who are exceptional and ready to go to the next level. Sometimes narratives and idol worship need some tempering, and Arians is always the guy to put a check on someone’s ego.


“I get credit and Brady gets way too much credit for what Byron does with our offense. One of the reasons I hope he gets all the credit he deserves this year and is going to get a coaching gig. You know, he had about four or five teams real interested last year.”

Arians is no stranger to calling out star players, he’s done it at every stop in his NFL career. From Big Ben in Pittsburgh to Andrew Luck in Indianapolis to Carson Palmer in Arizona, and now Brady, BA is quick to call out his players, including his quarterbacks. And you saw that he was having none of Antonio Brown’s diva antics, telling the All-Pro receiver to kick rocks. 

 Colin Cowherd Says It’s Not A Good Look

The Brady stans weren’t feeling Arians’ refusal to give Tom Terrific all of the credit for Tampa’s success. FS1 personality Colin Cowherd who always has plenty to say, was quick to mention the quote on his show “The Herd.”

 “The more Bruce talks, the more it proves there’s turbulence here. Tom Brady is the singular reason the Tampa Bay mess in the last decade has been interesting.”

While Cowherd has a point about Brady putting the franchise over the top, Arians has been around the game a long time, and he’s never been one to hold his tongue or analyze the game from a fan’s perspective. 

He leaves that to shock jocks and talking heads like Cowherd, who wasn’t done with his remarks.

“Tom Brady deserves the majority of the credit for turning a losing franchise that had good coaches and players but never had a legitimate Hall of Fame quarterback. They get him, they win a Super Bowl in a pandemic, they vie for a Super Bowl this year, and they’ll be an NFC favorite with the Rams, next year.”

Did Brady Only Come Back Because He Knew Arians Would Step Down?

Brady is calculating, and while he may not have as much say-so in management affairs as a LeBron James, he definitely has some major influence. His retirement came sort of awkwardly and never felt final. Could’ve been because he didn’t want to play for Arians anymore? We’ll probably never know the full truth, but these comments by Arians and how swiftly he stepped away once Brady announced his return are glaring.

Now Todd Bowles is at the helm along with the talented Byron Leftwich calling the shots on offense. Brady is back in the saddle without Arians there to curse him out or call him out in postgame pressers. The NFC is weak, and the Bucs are still loaded with a chance to play for another Super Bowl. But just because AB is gone, don’t expect the soap opera drama to totally disappear. Only Buffalo had greater Super Sunday odds heading into the 2022-23 season.

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