“I Can Back Up Every Word I’m Saying”| Former NFL HC Hue Jackson “Stands With Brian Flores,” Twitter Eviscerates His Coaching Record 

The racial disctimination lawsuit that former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores has brought against the NFL, the Dolphins, the New York Giants and Denver Broncos, has once again brough systemic racism to the forefront of the national conversation. 

The accusations of racism is not something all that surprising or unfamiliar to any sports fan following the NFL, especially since Colin Kaepernick created an historical firestorm by kneeling during the National Anthem to bring attention to systemic racism and police brutality. 

Flores’ accusations of being offered $100K per game to lose in order to improve the team’s draft positioning is a bit of an eyebrow raiser. 

Black Coaches Lose For Winning | Brian Flores Claims Dolphins Owner Offered Him Money To Tank Games, Fired Him When He Won Too Much

The League is constantly preaching that integrity of the game is one of its main pillars. An owner offering a coach money to throw games is about as egregious and against the grain as it gets. 

Apparently what Flores described isn’t that uncommon. Kimberly Diemert posted a Tweet incriminating several teams and even naming a GM who offered coaches money to tank. 


Former NFL Head Coach Hue Jackson, now the head coach football coach at Grambling State university, co-signed the accusations in a Tweet that read:

“I stand with Brian Flores. I can back up every word I’m saying.”


Jackson, who’s several years removed from his final season of a rough three-year stint in Cleveland, was immediately attacked by the Twittersphere. Fans weren’t accepting of Jackson’s claims and questioned his decision to wait until now to come forth with such damaging information.

The support for Hue was at least lukewarm. 

But the shots at his unimpressive head coaching record while in Cleveland (3-36-1) was too easy a target for antagonizers, unsympathetic parties and those people who get very squirmish when issues of race steal narrative. 

The tweets kept coming and there were no references to race, just Hue’s record while overseeing a franchise that could have been purposely tanking. It’s like the fans were refusing to accept that Jackson might not have been as bad as his record indicated.

During a tank, management wants you to lose and provides you with a roster that they hope will guarantee an 0-16 season and the first pick in the draft, which Cleveland accomplshed and flipped into Baker Mayfield, before kicking Hue to the curb for Freddie Kitchens, of all people. 

They also blamed Hue for waiting so long to insert No. 1 overall draft pick Baker Mayfield  into the starting rotation. Mayfield’s inspirational play once assuming the starting position erased any remaining good grace Jackson had with Cleveland fans.

When race is an obvious underlying factor to a Black coach’s failure or lack of opportunities, people are quick to dismiss the importance of ownership setting up an environment that is conducive to winning. The safe way to play it is to keep believing that the Black coach just wasn’t talented enough. 



So as Twitter battled about the validity of Flores’ claims (as if he would risk his career to make all of this up) nobody was checking for Jackson.

To dismiss Jackson’s experiences as a Black head coach is to once again an attempt to minimize how deeply racist the NFL appears at times and erase the tainted history of the league as it pertains to the treatment of Black athletes and staff.


Too much truth in one week is overwhelming for some people to handle. Flores said a mouthful and it’s a lot to process for people who are not of color. And few football fans want to deal with another racial reckoning one week before the Super Bowl.

But as the season wanes and the offseason comes into play, there will be extensive attention focused on Flores’ lawsuit and because it is in no way baseless or lacking merit as the NFL and accused franchises prematurely claim, expect more guys from the NFL Black coaching fraternity to reveal their own personal horrors dealign with a white establishment that sees them as expendable and insignificant. 

Don’t hate Hue. Hate the game. 

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