Coach Pop Sounds Off On Congress Over Mass Shootings

The mass shootings we witnessed over the last two weeks has rocked the nation and brought the attention back on the folks in Congress who refuse to both acknowledge the dangers of white nationalism and do anything in regards to serious gun control in this country.

Although players such as LeBron James have been told to just “shut up and dribble”, some coaches in the NBA don’t give a damn and are going straight at those in power over these incidents.

Steve Kerr spoke out about domestic terrorism and the cowardice in Washington, and now it’s Spurs’ coach Gregg Popovich’s turn.

When asked about the mass shootings and whether sports can help heal in any way, Pop went full Pop.

“I think the situation we’re living in now, I think everybody looks for a little bit of distraction in some way, shape or form. But it’d be a lot better if people in power got off their a—– and got something done in a lot of different areas,” he said, per The Mercury News‘ Mark Medina. “They’re on vacation right now. Nothing going on, so they’re taking a break. They’ll come back and fix the gun situation, the environment, the inequality in pay. They’ll fix all of that when they come back. I’m sure.”

Coaches Pop and Kerr are coaching Team USA as they prepare for the FIBA World Cup in China later this month.

Pop understands the weight of representing the U.S., especially during the age of Trump and the rise of domestic terrorism, and it’s a responsibility he takes to heart both on and off the court.

“It’s our responsibility to not only be the best team we can be but also conduct ourselves with the USA on our shirt; we’re representing a lot of people,” said Popovich after practice on Monday. “We have a huge responsibility, not only for the country, to do this in a classy manner, but to continue the success that USA basketball has had over the last 12 years.”

But just because they’re representing the US in basketball doesn’t mean that they’re not going to speak their minds.

“It’s up to us as Americans to demand change from the gutless leadership that continues to allow this to happen and continues to somehow claim the second amendment is doing its job,” said Kerr. “The second amendment is about the right to defend yourself. The only thing that the second amendment is doing is leading to mass murder right now. This is all just insanity.”

It is and both coaches are well aware of that fact.

“We can’t fix the divisiveness in our country, but what we can do is be a great example of how people come together for a common goal and achieve it,” said the Spurs’ head coach.

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