Good Morning: 10.02.12


Morning, people. Today, Tony Romo lost another game for the Cowboys, LeBron James picked up a new sponsor, Seth McFarlane hosts the Oscars and God is on the side of Mitt Romney in this election…maybe.

The Dallas Cowboys were blown out by the Chicago Bears in Texas last night, 34-18.

On the other side of the ball, Devin Hester got the ball offensively and the results were good.

Tony Romo was picked off five times in the rout, including two that were returned for touchdowns. Is this the year Romo finally shakes his reputation as a good NFL quarterback? LeBron James might think so.

Speaking of LeBron, he picked up another endorsement yesterday. A Philly heroin dealer was using James’ name and image to sell his product. No shame.

Colts coach Chuck Pagano has been diagnosed with leukemia.

Is it Tebow Time in New York? No, it’s not. And stop asking.

The Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard saga has begun in L.A. Kobe says it’s his team and he’s going to prepare Dwight to take over one day. J.A. Adande breaks down how it’s going to work.  We’ll see how long those smiles last when D12 turns the ball over for the third time in the first quarter of a playoff game.

The Yankees took a one-game lead over the Orioles with a big win over the Red Sox. The Nationals clinched their first ever East Division title. They plan on collecting a few more.



Seth McFarlane was chosen to host the Oscars yesterday, a move that didn’t play all that well when released. I’m not sure what the hate is for. Even with Billy Crystal, the Oscars still drew 39 million viewers last year. And with Twitter, they still aren’t going to get my age demo.

Check out Diddy’s crib. Just do it.

Yesterday, it came out that Christina Aguilera said she was now a “fat girl.” Turns out, she didn’t actually say that. Let’s analyze.

Chris Brown hosted a celebrity basketball game yesterday in Atlanta. Here are some of the highlights, including Breezy’s dunk.



God is watching the election, and he’s planning on using magic to help Mitt Romney. So, it’s over, right? Let’s just call it before the Prez embarrasses someone on Wednesday.

As tends to happen when a candidate is losing, the GOP is now blaming the media bias for Romney’s hole. The New York Times declares the media bias is becoming more and more a creation, as opposed to reality, in the Information Age.

But as the Daily Beast points out, it’s the candidates who have been most misleading. Hmmmm.

North Korea has lashed out at the United States, saying its “hostile” policies will lead the world to nuclear war. Syria chimed in, accusing American extremists and the media for stoking terrorism.



You’ve heard of the term “Information Overload.” It’s probably why you’re on this page. But what kind of information are you taking in? And how does that information affect us? Bad decisions come from bad information, and America is getting full on bad information.



Seems like there’s a new Kendrick track dropping every week these days. His album comes out Oct. 22. Here’s his latest featuring Dre.


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