Former Saints DC Gregg Williams Already Has A Job

News that former Saints Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams was reinstated today, and then added to the Tennessee Titans coaching staff, has raised eyebrows around the league. Mostlly for the speed in which it happened, but there are fans making a racial connection. Which, if you actually pay attention to the story isn't correct. 


Williams didn’t get hired as a coach. His official title is Special Assistant/Defense, where the assumption is he will advise Titans DC Jerry Gray. His hiring does not violate the NFL’s policies on fair hiring practices, moreso, because of his prior relationship with Gray (when Williams was the Head Coach of the Bills, Gray was his defensive backs coach) it’s just a case of cronyism. That happens everywhere, so the criticism for that doesn’t advance any racial argument. More than anything else, it just seems like bad timing. With several ex-coaches remarking on the failures of the Rooney Rule, it seems weird at first glance that a guy who was suspended from the league would grab a gig so quickly. But you know what they say, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.




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