Former NFL Punter Marquette King Says He’s Victim Of Race Discrimination | Jobless Despite Top-Five All-Time Punting Yardage Average

In the game of football there are three phases that make up a team. They are offense, defense, and special teams, and while the first two get all the pub, it’s that third phase that can make or break a team. The place-kicker, kick returner, punt returner and punter play as vital a role as any on a team.

One former punter who flipped field position in his teammates’ favor often was flamboyant Raiders punter Marquette King, who punted from 2012-2018. Six seasons with the Silver and Black and one with their division rival Broncos.Despite having a 46.7 yards-per-punt average, which is fifth-best all-time, King, who’s only 33, hasn’t been able to land another gig as an NFL punter.

In late June, King tweeted out the following.

“Not calling it a career just settling with the fact that I haven’t been able to get another fair opportunity. I haven’t officially retired, I’m just not fighting to get in a league that ignores the resume I’ve created, that’s better than over half of the punters in the NFL.”

King believes it’s discrimination that’s not allowing him another shot to wear an NFL uniform. He basically chalked it up to “not a lot of brothers are getting a fair shake in the NFL when it comes to kicking and punting.”


King Is One Of Six African-American Punters To Play In NFL In Last 100 Years

Since 1920 there have been six Black punters in the NFL, and King has the highest average of all. His net punting average of 40.8 yards ranks 37th all-time, which is amazing considering how many punters have come and gone.

In his Twitter thread, the former Fort Valley State kicker had a lot to say about the history of the Black punter in the league.

“It’s only been 6 African American punters 2 play in the NFL since 1920 n earn at least 1 credited season. Over the last 3 seasons I havent been able to get a job but still have a top 5 punting average. Blaming me not having a job because of antics n attitude is surface thinking,” King wrote in a June 30 tweet. Days later he added, “Being quiet allowed people to create bullshyt narratives about me n I thought being quiet would get me another job in the NFL but none of that worked so I’m taking matters into my own hands. Now the info is officially coming from the actual source.”



King is a fiery punter who tends to celebrate after a punt. That didn’t seem to sit well during his last stop in Denver as he was cut after one season despite signing a three-year deal to join them. King also mentioned that he and the team didn’t see eye to eye on his kicking mechanics, and the team tried to change his punting as soon as he arrived.


King Probably Has Punted His Last Game In The League

With King not being on an NFL team since 2018, this upcoming season will mark five seasons since he participated in an NFL game. At 33, which by league standards isn’t old for a kicker or punter, King still has a shot. But with King’s outspoken nature and must-see TV persona, the chances of seeing him play again are slim to none. Kickers are supposed to be seen and not heard, and King broke the mold a little too much with his flamboyant ways. Once you go away for that long they make it a point to forget about you, and being an African-American probably doesn’t help that at all.



King punted for six seasons and became a top-five guy based on stats, so for him reality is setting in that his NFL door has closed. But again, no matter what, he’s got a seat at the table of former great NFL punters.

King has to make guys like former Dolphins punter Reggie Roby smile. In fact, King is an inspiration for Pittsburgh Steelers punter Presley Harvin III, so that should mean something.

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