Fans Don’t Want The Ruckus, So Act Like It

Shout out to Joakim Noah for not going Hell’s Kitchen on the middle-aged blonde who threw her manicured middle finger up in his face, after being ejected from a Game 2 trouncing by the Heat.

In fact, not too many people made a big deal about it. Maybe we are missing something here, because fans throwing middle fingers in the face of opposing players isn’t a normal NBA occurrence.  Censored name-calling, booing and degrading chants are a go. Food throwing, touching or invading personal space with body parts is a no-go.

Tensions were high that night between the two teams and when the action on the court is rambunctious in nature, it’s always a catalyst for obscene fan behavior.

Good thing she didn’t toss a cup of beer on Noah, but knowing the kind of gentleman he is off-court, he probably would have just body slammed her encouraging male partner, who had enough sense to let his piece do most of the verbal and nearly physical assaulting.

The wild woman’s name is Filomena Tobias, widow of former CNBC commentator Seth Tobias. According to Yahoo! Sports, she has a lengthy history of doing absurd things, so her raid on Noah fits her character. She must have a lot of cash and be somewhat important, because the security guard who is supposed to be protecting players from such unruly fans, barely moved. She might as well have smacked Noah in the mouth.

For the most part, fans know their limits. The lady was obviously caught up in the emotional night, and like many fans, acted as if she had a personal investment in the game. She should have been immediately escorted out of the arena. When tensions are high, the NBA doesn’t need instigators throwing salt in the game.

One of these days, it could get real. Ask Ron Artest. And none of us want that again.


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