Everybody’s Catching Strays This Week | Richard Jefferson Becomes Meme After Kendrick Perkins Makes “Splitting Hairs” Joke

ESPN NBA basketball analysts Richard Jefferson and Kendrick Perkins seem to have a good working relationship and it even looks as if they’re close off screen as well.

So, when they crack jokes at each other’s expense it’s never any malice behind it, and that was the case during a recent episode of NBA Today. 

As the two former NBA players engaged in a debate segment about the NBA playoffs, they both seemed to agree on a few things, which is very rare. But Jefferson’s making light of the two agreeing was right on time. 

Jefferson says to Perkins:

“Again, we’re splitting hairs here.” 

That comment got a big chuckle out of Perkins who came back:

“You’re not splitting hairs ever.”

That was a direct shot at Jefferson being bald and having been that way since his college days at Arizona. 

This Isn’t The First Time These Two Have Taken Subtle Jabs At One Another 

Ribbing each other is nothing new for the ESPN co-workers. In fact, it happens pretty often. During last year’s NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, Cassidy Hubbarth mentioned this during a segment.

“RJ said he hasn’t played since he retired. When was the last time you played, Perk?” 

Jefferson couldn’t help himself and responded with this one-quitter-hitter. 

“Two years before he retired.”

Perkins And Jefferson Are A Solid Duo

With Perkins it’s always hot take heaven. He’s from the Stephen A. Smith tree of shock jock debaters and he love to just throw out crazy take after crazy take. Jefferson’s the calmer one and seems to exist just to challenge everything Perk spews. 

While it can be a bit over the top at times, their segments seem to always have a comedic nature to them at some point, therefore making it more watchable than many other program currently on the network. 

At the end of the day, you can’t have one without the other, and for the sake of the viewer that’s a good thing. A nice balance. Since both recently signed extensions, expect to have more of this friendly banter for years to come. 

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