Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Care: NFL Team Knew Teammate Was Gay And Handled It The Right Way

This isn't surprising, but according to's Mike Freeman, at least one NFL team had a gay player on the roster and the entire locker room didn't descend into anarchy. Scott Fujita may have been right when he made his case that NFL locker rooms are more progressive than many have assumed.

It turns out that for the past few years, with no one watching, an NFL team — with its machismo and tough guys — had reached a certain understanding with one of its players. The player was gay, many on the team knew it, and no one cared.

The player was not openly gay but several of the player's friends on the team knew it. A good dozen players on the team were aware the player dated men, several players on the team told

"It was the worst kept secret on the team," said one player. "Many of us knew and we didn't care at all." is declining to name the player since the player has not openy declared himself gay.


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