Dealer In Philly Names His Product “LeBron James”

A Philly-area heroin dealer has found an interesting way to communicate the potency of his product. He named it after LeBron James (assumingly to emphasis its level of quality). Obviously, we’re not endorsing this, but it is an intriguing example of Bron’s widespread appeal. Not to mention, more proof, that the widespread hatred he once provoked, is fading away. 

From the Philadelphia Daily News: 

Upper Darby police said that they busted a major heroin dealer from Philadelphia on Thursday who had 140 packets of the deadly drug – all of which were stamped with the silhouette of a basketball player and the name "LeBron James."

"I don't think LeBron James would be too happy with this drug-dealer dude using his name on these street bags," said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.Chitwood said that drug dealers stamp every bag of heroin with a name, but it's usually one like Hellen or Hazel or words like horse or brown sugar.                                                                                                                                                                     

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