Dallas Cowboys’ Tony Romo sidelined with collarbone injury

The Dallas Cowboys have become America’s unluckiest team. First Dez Bryant, now Tony Romo. Injuries continue to decimate the ‘boys and their hopes for a playoff spot despite a 2-0 record.

Romo left yesterdays win over their division rival Philadelphia Eagles with a broken clavicle, an injury that will require surgery and could sideline him at least eight weeks. This is an absolutely devastating loss for Dallas, as backup QB Brandon Weedons play following the injury of Romo, while admirable, might not be something sustainable as the Cowboy’s have Super Bowl aspirations. Jerry Jones will certainly consider outside options at quarterback.

It will be interesting to see if the Cowboys falter or continue to win following these injuries. The rest of the NFC undoubtedly gained a bit of hope. 

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