Cops’ Version Of Reported Masai Ujiri Incident Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

For Masai, the chips with dip were all in this year, but a cop with a complex could’ve F’ed it all up on the NBA’s grandest stage.

In what can only be described as the ending of a banner year for the Toronto Raptors, their current president Masai Ujiri is potentially facing future legal issues.

After the Raptors closed out game six of the 2019 NBA finals, Ujiri left his seat to go celebrate with the team he built for the better part of six years. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a home court win. For some reason, he was then stopped by Bay Area police before he made his way to the Oracle Arena court.

A then reported altercation ensues with the cops and Ujiri, ending with law enforcement claiming Ujiri punched an officer when asked about his credentials.

“Mr. Ujiri was unknown to the deputy at that time. He [the deputy] asked him for a credential,” said Sgt. Ray Kelly, a spokesman for the sheriff’s office. “He shoved the deputy out of the way and walked toward the court. The deputy pushed back. The president came forward more with a more significant push and ended up striking the deputy in the face.”

Social media and first-hand accounts show there’s a disconnect between the cops version and Ujiri’s string of events. However, the cops now want to bring him in for questioning.


The “What If?” scenarios featuring an inept cop on literally the NBA’s biggest stage are wild to even fathom let alone process.

What if he was arrested, placed in handcuffs, had this moment stolen from him? Ujiri’s shrewd business moves were criticized for a full calendar year when he broke up best friends Kyle and DeMar for Kawhi. He let go of a league respected, former coach of the year and inserted a rookie and gave him the keys.

The chips with dip were all in this year, but a cop with a complex could’ve F’ed it all up. Considering how this could’ve gone down thankfully cooler heads prevailed.

While more details will begin to be revealed, the police response will be predictable. Hopefully nothing long term will stick to Ujiri, because his next step will be towards better opportunities and to reportedly bigger bags.

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