“‘Cause He Put Mousse In His Hair, He Slick It Sideways, He Ain’t My Type Of Dude” | Former NFL Player Channing Crowder Continues Verbal Assault On Russell Wilson

Russell Wilson has a legion of fans who are captivated by his performance on the field and how he conducts himself off the gridiron.

He seems to be the quintessential family man and husband to pop star Ciara. He’s a father and great provider for their three children. On top of that, he’s one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, and has been for ten seasons. The saying “everyone isn’t gonna like you,” really applies when when it comes to former NFL player Channing Crowder’s feelings about Russ. He seems to have it out for Wilson.

Not too long ago he called Wilson a square, and even questioned his marriage to Ciara. During a recent episode of “The Pivot” podcast Crowder attacked Wilson again, stating his team doesn’t wanna listen to R&B music.

“I don’t want to be soothed, I’m trying to go out and fight a big motherf*cker trying to hit me in the head,” Crowder said in attempt to disparage Wilson’s musical tastes.

One of Crowder’s co-hosts chimed in giving Wilson credit for his leadership and demeanor, calling him “cool, calm, and collected.”

For Crowder, that doesn’t matter. He still ain’t feeling Russ.

“I don’t know, you know I’ve been criticized a lot. Called the man lame, called him square … They got on me about that … No I’m not taking it back! … it’s an opinion. I know dudes that I wanna hang with, I grew up in Atlanta, and I know dudes I wanna hang with. I don’t wanna hang with Russ! ’Cause he puts mousse in his hair, he slicks it sideways, he ain’t my type of dude.”

Crowder sounds crazy, because who says Wilson would wanna hang with him? They’re cut from two different cloths. And no way you’d ever see them running in the same type circles. This attack stems from when Crowder asked how Ciara goes from “someone like (rapper) Future to Russell Wilson.”

Crowder even called him a cornball, and although he did apologize he’s still coming for Russ.

Wilson Booed At Sue Bird’s Final Game Over Weekend

Emotions were running high in the Pacific Northwest on Sunday, as the Seattle Storm and its fans braced for the final regular-season home game of Seattle Storm legend Sue Bird’s career. Wilson, a friend of Bird’s and the former quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks was back in town for the festivities. When Wilson was shown on the video monitor a chorus of “boos” rang out inside Climate Pledge Arena. Fans are still upset over Wilson being traded to the Denver Broncos in March, and many are of the belief he wanted the trade.

Following the trade owner Jody Allen released a statement detailing how it came about.

“While Russell made it clear he wanted this change, he made Seattle proud, and we are grateful for his decade of leadership on and off the field. We look forward to welcoming our new players and to everyone being family fully engaged while working our hardest to win every singe day. I trust our leadership to take us into the future, and know we wish Russell the very best.”

Wilson was quick to debunk that notion in his introductory press conference with the Broncos.

“Yeah, I didn’t initiate it. It was definitely mutual. Along the way there’s definitely been a a lot of conversations and it hasn’t been initiated. But it is what it is, I’m just happy to be here. That’s all I know.

Were The Boos A Prelude Of What’s To Come Opening Night?

Wilson’s new team will face his old team on opening night this season, and one has to wonder if the chorus of boos are a prelude to what may happen opening night. There have been no reports of a tribute for Wilson when the Broncos come in Week 1. But the belief is he’ll get a standing ovation, following by a ton of boos, as he’s now the enemy on the other sideline. The ovation will be for ten years of service, which includes a Super Bowl win, two Super Bowl wins, eight playoff appearances, and countless memorable moments on and off the field.

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