Bomani Jones & Pablo Torre Sign New Multi-Year Deals With ESPN

ESPN deaded Bomani Jones and Pablo Torre’s “High Noon” to the chagrin of many informed sports fans who recognize the show for its intellectual approach, genuine and witty delivery in a sports media world of shock jocks and clout chasers. 

The news was reported by Andrew Marchand in the New York Post, and his sources say:

Jones and Torre will not be a tandem, but their roles will be similar with components that include contributing on video audio. They will contribute to shows like “Highly Questionable” “Around The Horn” and “Pardon The interruption,” as well as appear on “Sports Center.” They will have some radio opportunities as well as podcasts and writing

Sources also say that Jones’ contract will be a two-year deal. Torre’s is a multi-year contract but the length is unknown. The fact that popular right-wing sports personality Will Cain is moving onto Fox news opens up some radio and TV time for other guys. 

It sounds like Torres and Bomani are hanging on by the skin of their teeth at ESPN, which only means that both still have an opportunity to move back up the food chain and recapture a chair on a featured show on the station. 

People might ask why they would want to resign with a station that questions their star power? There’s honestly not many jobs that can measure up and push your brand and garner you an audience like the worldwide leader. 

Once you go there and leave, it’s a rare occurrence that your star will shine as brightly elsewhere. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 

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