Bears Keep Winning, Even On a Bye

Tiiden High School, on Chicago's South Side, is in better shape than its surrounding neighborhood. Their football team, winless in four seasons, competes with only 15 players. In addition to their incomplete roster, they lack locker room facilities and support from their fellow classmates.   

This past Thursday, Chicago Bears’ running back, Matt Forte, dropped by to show some love.

As the rest of the Bears enjoyed their well-deserved bye, Forte was on the field.  He surprised Tilden HS students, as part of Duracell’s “Trust Your Power” campaign. We all know Forte is a statistician on the football field, but algebra also falls within his domain. He quizzed students in math and handed out calculators, before helping out with practice in the P.M. 

Duracell donated $20,000 dollars (which Forte presented), new gear, a flat screen TV and medical equipment to the school.

Matt Forte looks like this week’s top running back. Zero yards, infinite inspiration. In a town of havoc and disarray, where crime and murder rates are at a dangerous peak, acts like this give kids the hope and inspiration to fight through.

Well done Matt. You’re a good dude.     



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