Jerry Jones dismisses criticism of Greg Hardy

Since Sunday’s 27-20 loss to their division rival New York Football Giants, Cowboys defensive end Greg Hardy’s sideline meltdown has been the subject of much criticism from writers and fans alike. 

Amidst the outside criticism, Cowboys teammates and owner Jerry Jones have shown unwavering support for the linemen. Jones has gone as far as to praise Hardy for being one of the team’s leaders.

You want the leader of your team to play with passion, and have the natural ability to galvanize their teammates, but why would any player follow Hardy? He’s extremely talented and it’s understandable that he hates losing, but he crossed the line when he decided to get aggressive with the special teams coach. That’s not leadership, its child-like behavior. Leaders exemplify leadership on-and-off the field and he has not proven himself in either realm.  

This type of behavior is usually the sign of a dysfunctional team and enabling him will only make it worse. Shame on Jerry Jones.

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