Alex Smith Is Going To Have To Be Careful Against His Old Team

Alex Smith may not have hard feelings toward Jim Harbaugh and the 49ers fans, but that San Francisco defense is coming for him in the Chiefs preseason game on Friday. They never really got to hit Smith in practice.

Smith was traded to Kansas City during the offseason and faces his old team of eight seasons for the first time. 

Here's what 49ers cornerback Carlos Rogers had to say to the Associated Press:

“He’ll probably come after me because we were always talking junk during practices while he was here. I’m going to take a look at the film and see what we can come up with,” Rogers said. “It will be really fun. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be talking junk. He’s going to want to go at our defense because now he gets the opportunity. When he was here we didn’t really go against the 1 offense unless it was training camp.”

“Now we’ll get a chance to hit him,” Rogers added. “He had on the jersey and we couldn’t touch the quarterback, so I’m pretty sure our D-line will be happy about that, too.”


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