“This Is My Girlfriend For The Day” | Former NBA Legend Paul Pierce Reveals His Rent-A-Girlfriend

Former Boston Celtics and NBA legend Paul Pierce has never shied away from doing the unthinkable when it comes to his personal life. The former NBA Finals MVP and 10-time NBA All-Star has kept himself relevant over the last few years with his outlandish sayings and his on-camera action that got him fired from ESPN back in 2021.

While that hasn’t stopped Pierce from still doing some really odd things, his latest one might be the tip of the iceberg. 

Pierce now makes the rounds appearing on different podcasts and platforms that are centered on sports, amid other things. During a recent appearance on the “KG Certified” show, of the Showtime series, Pierce might’ve actually one-upped his 2021 escapade that got him fired from ESPN. 

Pierce, who always seems to be lathered up from libation consumption, was in rare form as he introduced his girlfriend, but there was a catch. 

Rent-A-Girlfriend For The Day Is A Thing?

As Pierce introduced his girlfriend to KG, the former Kansas Jayhawks star also let it be known she was just his arm piece for the day. 

“This is my girlfriend for the day, they got a whole website where you can hire girlfriends for the day, so I got a girlfriend for the day,”

Pierce told Garnett after he introduced him to the woman who was sitting just offscreen. A shocked but definitely amused KG replied to Pierce with this:

“Stop, man” he said with a laugh. 

Pierce Isn’t One To Keep His Private Life, Private

Earlier this year, Pierce joined the “I Am Athlete” podcast to talk about his career, life after basketball, and his infamous Instagram Live party with exotic dancers, which included smoking and drinking, all which led to “The Truth” being fired from ESPN. 

“I got fired for having some entertainment,” he said of the incident. ‘What did I do wrong? … I’m wrong playing cards, it’s my boy’s birthday, there’s girls dancing, and we’re blowing tree.  What did I do wrong?”

Probably nothing if it weren’t ESPN, which is owned by Disney. No way that was gonna fly without some repercussions, and Pierce had to know that. 

During the interview Pierce also mentioned how he had to apologize to his daughter for his actions, because he embarrassed her. Seems like Pierce doesn’t think announcing to the world that he rented a girlfriend on national television isn’t also pretty embarrassing as well. 

Either way this is the Paul Pierce we’re likely to get now, since he’s fully retired and living his unapologetic life. 

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