Antonio Brown Is In Full Jacka** Mode For No Real Reason

AB is simply playing himself at this point.

Many have talked about Antonio Brown for a long time; not about his talent, but about his attitude.

He has been one of the best receivers in the game over the last eight years. His nine year career consists of 837 receptions, 11,207 yards receiving and 74 TDs. He’s a seven time Pro Bowler and is one of the most dangerous players on the field.

Yet his reputation off the field has drawn much criticism. From players and the media to the fans, many have called him names such as diva, team chemistry killer, lockerroom cancer and other negative terms. Despite the criticisms, most Steelers fans would defend him because he was a part of Steeler Nation.

But after ending the season on a negative note and then being traded to the Raiders, things have gotten worse.

Before he was traded, he took shots at the organization and then tried to smooth things out a little. But once he made the move to Oakland, the floodgates have appeared to open up and AB is attacking just about anyone who says anything about him.

It all started with a simple tweet on Sunday.

But when a fan responded, reminding him of who the team MVP was, AB forgot about his message and went all in.

For those who don’t know, JuJu made a big catch during the team’s big game against the Saints in December, only to have the ball ripped away, essentially costing the Steelers a chance to win it on the road and shrinking their chances at the playoffs. It was a heartbreaking moment for the team and its fans, and JuJu took it even harder, apologizing to everyone for the play.

Yet despite the heartache from that game and his apology, AB took full aim at #19 and fired. Clapping at a former teammate who has celebrated with you and tried to emulate you and you take cheap shots at him? That’s beyond childish.

JuJu, of course, took to Twitter to respond to the uncalled for attack.


Most were hoping it would end there. But not AB, who dug deep to go full petty on JuJu today with this post on IG.


Here’s JuJu, a young receiver in 2015 just trying to get some advice from one of the best in the game, and he flips it around to use it on him, all for no other reason than he started something that was responded to.

At this point, we’re sure that most Steelers fans are happy to see AB go. Shannon Sharpe is definitely a proponent of AB’s departure from Pittsburgh and he didn’t hold his tongue when discussing it today.

Good thing the Steelers and Raiders don’t play each other this coming season as you could be sure that some serious hunting in the secondary would be going on. But for now, AB’s random and petty social media thuggery has done nothing but make him look childish, and because of it, you know fans will definitely be buying even more #19 jerseys now.

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