VIDEO: Azealia Banks’ “Harlem Shake” Remix

You already know what we think about the totality of this "new" "internet craze" called the Harlem Shake, which is that it's totally cornball. This Brooklyn hipster Bauuer — he of "trap rave" fame (that's trap muzik mashed with rave music, get it?) — produced the record. Azealia Banks remixed it. Bauuer didn't like this, so he had Bank's joint taken down from Soundcloud. Banks didn't like that and when on slur-filled tirade. Shame on her. But shame on this customer Bauuer, too. How he musters the gall to appropriate hip-hop at every turn and then audaciously censor someone for doing something hip-hop — like recording an unauthorized remix — is artistically and culturally abominable. Kick a mountainous pile of rocks, fam.

With that said, here's Banks' video…

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