TSL Sports Talk Recap: Rob Parker 

This week on TSL Sports Talk, NBC 4s Rob Parker joined us to talk about the Final Four and MLBs opening day. Check out the highlights below.

On Michigan States chances of beating Duke in the Final Four:

“I mean they were wildly inconsistent. They had a couple of bad losses and things. So people kind of wrote them off and didnt think that they played up to their potential. But you have a big time school, have some players, and if you can get it together and they obviously got on track and won a couple of games- I think theyre in a nice position. But I think they were wildly inconsistent. The biggest problem is when Izzo gets into the Final Four, gets into the big games against the biggest school with better players, they normally dont win. So, that would be different for me. Im still waiting for Tom Izzo to win his second championship. Its been 15 years.”

If Boston should be the favorite in the AL East:

“I dont think so. I think the Red Sox rotation is questionable. Rick Porcello is their number two starter and he comes to Boston from Detroit, where his ERA pitching in Boston is over seven. So I have to see him pitch in that ballpark. Hes a put the ball in play kind of pitcher in that ballpark. He gives up a lot of hits. Two, three years ago he had given up the most hits in the American League, so I have see him, as a number two starter, pitch well in that building before I can really believe in the Red Sox.”

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on the Final Four and MLB opening day.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected].     

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