TSL Sports Talk Recap: Melvin Bratton

This week on TSL Sports Talk, host Mark Gray was joined by former star running back of the University of Miami Hurricanes, Melvin Bratton.

Bratton, now a sports agent, talked about his playing days at Miami, the documentary on "The U', and the attitude and culture that they created during the 80's. The players became stars at a school that was surrounded by a neighborhood that was completely the opposite of where many of the players were recruited from. But it was because of those players, and the attitudes and talent they brought with them, that the football program became one of the greatest powerhouses ever seen in college football. As Mark said, for those from urban neighborhoods, the "U" was to college football what the Fab Five was to college basketball.

Bratton became excited in describing the "inner-city attitude" he, Jerome Brown, Alonzo Highsmith and others brought to the university and to the teams they faced each week:

"We felt like every game we were supposed to dominate. Not just win, but dominate!'

"We felt the score coming in to the game, just by our presence, was 7-0 before the ball was kicked off. We were going to come and punch you straight in the mouth no matter what, so you better pack a lunch!"

So as you get ready to watch "The U Part 2" tomorrow night, listen to the words from one one the original stars of the Miami Hurricane dynasty.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]

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