TSL Sports Talk Recap: Lloyd Vance 

This week on TSL Sports Talk, NFL Analyst Lloyd Vance, joined us to talk about The NFL Draft, the Philadelphia Eagles and more. Check out the highlights below.

On the Eagles trade rumors involving Sam Bradford and Marcus Mariota:

“Its crazy times here in Philadelphia and it all stems from Chip Kelly being given the power to do whatever he wants. The only thing with having all that power is Im not sure he has a plan. Hes just kind of signing players, guys that he lost like Frank Gore, then he goes out and signs the top two RBs that are on the board. Now, youve got to wonder about the carries from [Ryan] Matthews, as well as the guy coming up from Dallas [DeMarco Murray]. Its going to be huge thing. Maybe he can possibly do it. I know that there are people here (fans and media), that believe that he [Kelly] really wants Mariota enough that hes willing to mortgage the future with three draft picks, possibly a top line player, like LB Michael Kendricks, who seems to be on the outside looking in right now. But its going to take a lot. The thing Im also hearing is that the Tennessee Titans are willing to move at that second pick, but the Bears might be interested in that same pick as well and send Jay Cutler home to Tennessee.”              


Listen to the full interview above to hear more on the 2015 NFL Draft, insider rumors and more.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5 PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]

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