TSL Sports Talk Recap: Latrell Scott

Yesterday on ­TSL Sports Talk, Virginia State’s football coach, Latrell Scott joined us to talk about their big match up against Winston-Salem State at the CIAA Championships this weekend. TSL Sports Talk host, Mark Gray, talked to Scott about the journey his team has gone through to get to the championships.


It’s been a total team effort, something that’s been a product of our school, our administration, coaching staff and our kids, so there a lot of people at work together and have been through a lot of things to get back to where we are.


Scott, on if he feels that he has inherited talented players (from the previous coach) and how he’s made his mark on rebuilding the Trojan’s roster:

I’d say it’s about 75% (inherited) – 25% (new talent). Coach Faison did a great job for the 12 years that he was here… He didn’t leave the cover empty by any stretch and what we’ve been able to do is add players the last two years to help us. But I think we have at least three to four starters that are from Coach Faison’s era. Like I said, he did an excellent job and we’re extremely thankful to him because he was good to us once we got here.

Listen to the full interview above to hear more about the Trojans. You can catch the CIAA Championship game tomorrow, November 15th, at 1:30pm ET on ASPiRE TV. 


TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected].  

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