TSL Sports Talk Recap: Greg Bishop

This week on TSL Sports Talk, former writer for The New York Times and current Senior writer at Sports Illustrated, Greg Bishop, joined us to talk about college football. Check out a few highlights below.

On the impressive feats the Buckeyes have managed this season:

Here they have a Heisman trophy frontrunner, Braxton Miller. It seems like he’s going to be their QB and he gets hurt. They plug in Barrett and he gets hurt and they got this guy Cardale Jones –who’s got this really interesting back story- and no one knows if he’s really going to be able to play well. Then he comes in and beats Alabama. The QB thing wouldn’t be as big of a deal if it wasn’t Alabama that they beat. You look at Urban’s tenure on the hole and here’s a guy who has lost essentially two games in three years and so far it’s been business and usual for him since his return to coaching.


On Grambling’s quick recovery from the 2013 scandal:

I think if you saw the weight room floor and some of the things the kids walked out on last year and basically said we’re not going to play in conditions like this, I think you have to be really surprised that things went down the way they did. When I spent a week down there, there was sort of a fear that they weren’t going to do anything. That there would be this huge media storm and they’d sort of say we’re going to address this, we’re going to bring in a new coach, get the floor fixed and we’re going to make up with Doug Williams and everything’s going to be copacetic now and then they were going to go back to business as usual. I think the way they won this year is indicative of the transformation that’s going on there.

Listen to the full interview about to hear more about the college football playoffs.


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