TSL Sports Talk Recap: Coach Mike Davis 

This week on TSL Sports Talk, Head Coach for Texas Southern Mens Basketball, Mike Davis, joined us to talk about his team’s continued success and whats in store for the two-time defending SWAC championship team. Check out a few highlights below.

On the team’s progress over the season:

“I see baby steps from the standpoint of us getting the 15th seed, getting to the NCAA Tournament and playing a very difficult schedule. The one thing about baby steps is, you know, you always fall down as a baby when you take baby steps and you always get back up. So, its always a learning process every single day. What weve learned from this is, we can play a very, very difficult non-conference schedule, but we have to make sure we play another game during our conference so we can get used to playing against the length and size.”

On having to remix the teams offensive philosophy, going from having the dominant presence of a “big man” to more of a perimeter-oriented team:

“Well, you always want to play according to your strength as a basketball team. You want to lead with your strengths as a coach and you want to play with your strengths as a team. So last year, we had lead from the inside and this year our strength was the speed of our guards. I thought all three of our guards could get to the paint and create opportunities for themselves as well as their teammates. You want to lead with you strengths and as a basketball coach, thats what you focus on more than anything. Players tend to play better and feel better when theyre doing things that they are stronger doing.”

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on the teams dynamic, how Texas Southerns winning record is affecting future matchups and more.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected].  

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