TSL Sports Talk Recap: Coach James Stinson    

Yesterday, on TSL Sports Talk, Livingstone College Head Basketball Coach, James Stinson, talked to us about his second straight CIAA championship title. Check out some highlight below.

On winning back to back Championships at the CIAA:

“Theyve really been satisfying. Not just to me, but more so to our institution -being a small HBCU- and for our community, faculty, staff and alums. So this has been a real good run for them and Im just pleased that they are having the opportunity to see some success in the CIAA as far as basketball. All of our athletic programs are growing steadily so we re just glad to be a part of it.”

If he ever imagined winning back to back Championships:

“Honestly, No… When you have such greats, as you mentioned, like Eddie Robbins and you have the Steve Joynersand people like that of the league, youre just fortunate to be able to compete with them and winning one was satisfying. It takes a long time for people to just win one, but to win two of them? Thats just the grace of God. I take it all in, Im humble because I know it took a process. The process is taking our kids to another level and accepting the challenges that were put before us.”  

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on Coach Stinsons career, his team and more.

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