TSL Sports Talk Recap: Black Out Boxing And A Discussion On Social Issues

"Reach who you can reach. Every voice that tries is going to be heard. A closed mouth will never be heard"- Zab Judah

Just one of the impactful statements made by the members of Black Out Boxing, a decorated group of boxing stars organized to address the issues facing communities across the country. Made up of professional boxers Andre Berto, Peter Quillin, Zab Judah, Shawn Porter, Errol Spencer Jr. and Joe Judah, this group of black men came together to give protesters across the country another powerful voice from the sports community, this time from the world of boxing.  

TSL Sports Talk host Mark Gray spoke with Berto, Quillin, Zab and Errol on yesterday's show about the recent events, the protests, Black Out Boxing, their take on the "no snitching" motto and how to use their power correctly to affect change in our communities.

Listen to this Shadow League EXCLUSIVE, featuring a round table discussion with these proud, successful and intelligent black male athletes:


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