TSL Sports Talk- Dave Stewart 

This week on TSL Sports Talk, GM of the Arizona Diamondbacks, Dave Stewart, joined us to talk about his team and more MLB topics. Check out the highlights below.

On the transition in his career from agent to GM:

In life, as much as you can learn and grasp is always going to be some help in areas you cant predict.  It just so happens that working on the baseball side initially, gave me a good grasp of the thought and mindset of ownership when I became an agent. Then working on the agent side, gave me another point of view from the other side of the table. So I think putting them both together has made this transition, especially in the negotiation side of it, a lot smoother.

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on Stewarts career, the Diamondbacks and more.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected].

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