Tony Dungy, Lauren Dungy Unveil New Children’s Books Series

Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren Dungy, whos an early childhood education specialist, have teamed up to unveil a series of childrens books on August 7, 2018, from Harvest Kids.

The series, which kicks off with two titles, Austin Plays Fair and Maria Finds Courage, showcases the historic Super Bowl coachs love for children and highlights the couples desire to make a difference in the lives of young readers. 

The books are comprised of pictures for first through third graders and meaningful stories that will teach important lessons about character, integrity, competitiveness, patience, sportsmanship, and courage.

We are passionate about children and in particular, have focused on encouraging them to read as a means for opening up opportunities for them as they grow, Tony and Lauren Dungy said.

The Dungys have continued to dedicate their lives to serving others and giving back to the youth. Theyve previously opened up their home to foster and adoptive children, and have given their time to organizations like the Boys & Girls Clubs, making a difference in every life that they touch.

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