“They Made Them Do This In An Open Space Completely Naked” | Senior Football Players Initiation Of New Players Gets Out, Parents Peeved, 21 Players Suspended

Unfortunately, hazing and initiations are commonplace with many sports teams. That type of activity is frowned upon, and when information gets out it usually leads to actions taken against the players involved and the program as a whole. That’s what happened this week at Alamo Heights High School in Texas. Per reports, the seniors decided to have an initiation where they did some pretty vile and gross things.

The incident at Alamo High School in San Antonio, landed one player in the hospital with burns on his lower body. While the senseless act could’ve ended much worse, as a result, 21 players were suspended from the team and will miss a mandatory two games.

Oreos And Hot Sauce Between The Buttocks Though? Then Eaten If Dropped?

Per the San Antonio Express News, Oreo cookies were also used with some hot sauce.

“The senior boys did an initiation, where they went out to the baseball fields and made the younger players put cookies dipped in hot sauce between their butt cheeks. Then, they had to race each other, and if any of the cookies fell out the person would have to eat it. They made them do this in an open space completely naked. They then also were throwing hot sauce on some of the players, then at a later party, made some of the freshmen get down to their boxers and give lap dances to some cheerleaders.”

Hazing and initiation tactics like intimidation cause anxiety and at times lead to physical or emotional distress. It can also be considered unethical, because it doesn’t allow victims to make choices or decisions that are best for them. In this case that seems to be what happened.

AD And Head Coach Takes Full Responsibility For His Team’s Actions

Ron Rittimann, the man in charge of the athletics program and football team, had this to say:

“We have a responsibility to the young men on our football team that goes well beyond what happens on the field. We celebrate their successes when it’s appropriate to do so, but we also must help them learn from their poor choices. We will move forward as a team and continue the important job in development the character of these young men.”

Now the school, which went 13-1 and reached the regional final last season, will be without its most experienced players to begin the season. But it’s the right move to suspend them, as they were lucky that it didn’t end even worse. In other instances, hazing and initiations at times have ended in even more serious injury or death.

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