The Shadow League’s Most Influential People Of 2020 — Healthcare Workers

Where would we be without healthcare workers every day, but especially in 2020, amidst a virus that has killed over 300,000 Americans while infecting over 19 million?

 The frontline worker has been through so much during these most unprecedented times and they’ve persevered and continued to carry out their duties around the clock since March.

From 16-hour shifts to not being able to go home to their families without fear of spreading the virus, frontline workers around the nation have been so influential as we try to combat this deadly virus.

COVID has already taken the lives of some family members and some have had it and recovered. Having it touch so close to home is scary but unfortunately, it’s a reality we all face.

My wife Myra Mason is a frontline worker who’s responsible for the care of others daily. Since March, she’s been on the frontline doing her best to help others heal, while putting herself and her immediate family at risk.

That’s her job and she along with many others around the world have done it to the best of their ability, and for that, they should be recognized.

Mrs. Mason, a Nurse Tech since 2007, tells The Shadow League:

It’s been an emotional rollercoaster daily fighting COVID-19 and the most terrifying thing that me and my co-workers have had to deal with.

The fact that she’s been safe throughout this pandemic is a blessing and shouldn’t be taken for granted when as of November at least 200,000 healthcare workers had been infected with COVID-19.

 READ MORE: As Usual: Black Folks On The Frontlines of Fight Against COVID-19

This still may vastly underestimate the number affected due to major gaps in collection data. But data does further show that Black people happen to account for the majority of the cases, and deaths known among healthcare or frontline workers.

These “people-facing” occupations are at the mercy of their own precautionary measures when it comes to COVID-19, and the number of infections in New York City alone appears to show a significant percentage of African-Americans among those afflicted.

According to reports, 80 percent of those who come down with coronavirus suffer mild symptoms that don’t require hospitalization and around 15 percent had severe symptoms which include shortness of breath. The elderly, as well as those with asthma, diabetes and heart disease, appear most at risk.  All three of these ailments are historically high among African-Americans.

Workplace exposure is no joke. 

The CDC also reported, of the 200,000 frontline workers that had become infected by November with the virus, 790 had perished. Studies also show workers who provide direct patient care, work in inpatient hospitals or residential or long-term care settings, such as (Nursing Homes) have a greater risk of infection (relative to the general population). 

Daily these ANGELS in the earthly realm put aside their fears and worries for the betterment of our country. And even moreso in this pandemic, not knowing if they’ll become infected.

What’s been even scarier for them is they could also be asymptomatic and bring it home unknowingly. My wife is the mother of 6 and we currently have 4 living with us ranging in ages (5-14) and that’s nerve-racking in itself. But it’s her job to take care of whoever is admitted to her hospital and do it with a smile and dedication to her craft — and that she does daily.

Healthcare Workers get the nod from me as being some of the most influential people of 2020. Thanks for giving us hope on a daily that everything will be alright.

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