The Rock And Misty Copeland Aren’t Down With Trump Either

Sometimes it’s amazing to see how examples of divisiveness can actually unite, and lately we’re seeing that more and more in the world of sports.

After Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank said To have such a pro-business president is something that is a real asset for the country, in regards to Trump, the backlash from his roster of athletes emerged, starting with basketball star Steph Curry. Today that practice continued as two additional UA athletes took to social media to express their concern and disappointment with Plank and Trump.

Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, and Misty Copeland posted their comments on Instagram, letting the world know that they won’t sit idly when it comes to inclusion and diversity, regardless of who’s ignoring it not understanding the importance of it. 

I appreciate and welcome the feedback from people who disagree (and agree) with Kevin Plank’s words on CNBC, but these are neither my words, nor my beliefs. His words were divisive and lacking in perspective. Inadvertently creating a situation where the personal political opinions of UAs partners and its employees were overshadowed by the comments of its CEO. A good company is not solely defined by its CEO. A good company is not defined by the athlete or celebrity who partners with them. A good company is not a single person. A good company is a team, a group of brothers and sisters committed to working together each and every day to provide for their families and one another and the clients they serve. We dont partner with a brand casually. I partner with brands I trust and with people who share my same values. That means a commitment to diversity, inclusion, community, open-mindedness and some serious hard work. But it doesn’t mean that I or my team will always agree with the opinion of everyone who works there, including its executives. Great leaders inspire and galvanize the masses during turbulent times, they don’t cause people to divide and disband. My responsibility here is not only to the global audience we serve, but also to the thousands of workers who pour blood, sweat, and tears into making Under Armour strong. A diverse group of hardworking men and women who possess integrity, respect and compassion for one another and the world they live in. Debate is healthy. But in a time of widespread disagreement, so is loyalty. I feel an obligation to stand with this diverse team, the American and global workers, who are the beating heart and soul of Under Armour and the reason I chose to partner with them. My commitment is as real as my sweat and callouses that thicken daily. #CommittedToThePeople

Fotografiju objavljuje therock (@therock)

Next up was ballet dancer Misty Copeland, who stated:

I have always appreciated the great support and platform that Under Armour has given me to represent my community, gender, and career on the world stage. However, I strongly disagree with Kevin Plank’s recent comments in support of Trump as recently reported. Those of you who have supported and followed my career know that the one topic I’ve never backed away from speaking openly about is the importance of diversity and inclusion. It is imperative to me that my partners and sponsors share this belief. I have spoken at length with Kevin privately about the matter, but as someone who takes my responsibility as a role model very seriously, it is important to me that he, and UA, take public action to clearly communicate and reflect our common values in order for us to effectively continue to work towards our shared goal of trying to motivate ALL people to be their best selves.

Fotografiju objavljuje Misty Copeland (@mistyonpointe)

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