The Dime: Week 13


Thank you, Brady Quinn: Your poise in the pocket was great and your skill really showed on those two TD passes to lead your team to victory.  Hopefully people around the world will heed your words and be that listening ear for a friend in need.



Calvin Johnson is that dude:  I’m not sure if Calvin Johnson will catch Jerry Rice’s single season yard record, but Megatron is a once in a lifetime athlete. He makes huge plays every week but this amazing sideline catch will be one we will marvel at for years to come.


Doin da butt: I’m not sure how much this guy spent on this jersey but it’s creative and funny to me. Sanchez has literally become the butt of the joke that is the Jets season. I guess you have to laugh to keep from crying if you’re a Jets fan. Another season proves that J.E.T.S stands for Just. End. The. Season.


Costas goes in: I’m not sure if Sunday Night Football is the place for gun control debates, but if there is a reporter who can go from sports to political views it’s Bob Costas.  A lot of my colleagues were upset with Costas for using the Jovan Belcher incident to push his gun control mandates. I personally think it’s a conversation that needs to be had and I commend Costas for using his platform to start it.



Handshake Gate 2:  Mike Tomlin and John Harbaugh are two very intense coaches and just finished another intense divisional game. Tomlin didn’t appear to be in the mood to have an extended conversation with Harbaugh and suffice to say Harbaugh didn’t take too kindly to the diss. One thing I did notice is that Harbaugh didn’t pull the back slap like his brother did to Jim Schwartz. Now that would’ve been must see TV because I believe Tomlin would clap back.


The game has changed:   I feel bad for guys like Ed Reed. He’s an analog type guy playing in this new digital age of the NFL. Reed made valid points in questioning the need for Thursday Night Football and the fact that his team has played three games in seventeen days. While everyone wants a safer NFL where the players are able to pick up their kids, we still love the hits. The NFL and the players have to find a balance or Reed will be right and it will be a “powder puff” league.


Adrian Peterson:  Packers won the game and probably eliminated the Vikings from the playoffs. However, Peterson was simply marvelous on an eighty-two yard run which shows why he’s the best in the league today and if he stays healthy will be one of the best to ever do it.


Play to end or taking it too far:  I get that Greg Schiano is trying to make a point to his young team about playing through to the last minute. But let’s be real, this is getting out of line and can get someone hurt. Let’s not talk about player safety then instruct linemen to fire off on guys who are clearly trying to retreat.  You also notice how quickly Schiano went to apologize to Peyton Manning. He still owes one to Eli and the Giants.


Skins looked mighty real on Monday night:  RG3 is so dope even when he fumbles he’s right. 163 yards through the air and another 72 on the ground proves that Griffin is here to stay.  If you aren’t already aware of his exploits it means you’re under a rock, but we’ll let you cook and watch this highlight reel from the Monday night win over the Giants so that you can get familiar.


We didn’t come out ready to play:  Everybody knows how the Giants made their run last year to the Super Bowl title. But this year’s team just doesn’t seem to have that same edge. They make lots of mistakes and look unprepared. It’s even more noticeable when the coach calls out the team.

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