Trump Will Always Be A Peasant In LeBron James’ Kingdom

Last night, 45, Trump, even though a federal judge told him to reinstate DACA, even though his former yes men are preparing to flip on him, still found enough time to insult the greatest athlete of our generation on social media. 

Thats right. Just like hes repeatedly leaned into stereotypical jingo talk towards his political opponents in Maxine Waters (crazy, unintelligent, hysterical) or Elizabeth Warren, (Pocahontas, questioning her native American heritage) this bumof a president decided to come at LeBron James in a signature misspelled tweet. In 280 characters, he made enough room to take a dig at Don Lemon and proclaimed he was a fan of Michael Jordan. Ok.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!

How can a man, who was born into wealth, a draft dodger, an unapologetic misogynist, whos on his third marriage, question anything that the consummate family man, LeBron James does with his time, money, and business endeavors? Like comparing someone who grabs pussies without permission, to a player who grabs rebounds, it’s confusing and makes no sense.

White privilege must be a hell of a drug because youre either snorting or mainlining something to speak negatively about the literal antithesis of the bigotry you represent. But what if your ignorant caucasity is protected by the Oval Office? That’s gotta feel like you’re wearing Captain ‘Murica’s shield of pro-racism for 24hrs, 7 days a week.

2018’s been the summer of LeBron, and the public is now seeing the behind the scenes moves that his SpringHill collective has made come to light. The entertainment projects have been impressive, including the YouTube’s docu-series Best Shot, featuring Jay Williams and the athlete focused sports site, the Uninterrupted, and a new HBO series on the way. 

Points On The Board Ep 9: ESPN Analyst, Best Shot Star, Jay Williams

PointsOnTheBoard is a podcast where The Shadow League’s managing Editor, Kyle Harvey breaks down the top stories from sports, culture and more. On this week’s episode, NCAA Champ, ESPN analyst, and star of the YouTube original docuseries Best Shot, Jay Williams stopped by the office to discuss…

But King James solidified himself as a living, breathing GOAT off the court, by fulfilling his dream of becoming the founder of his own Akron, Ohio public school, the I Promise School. Bron is trying to eliminate generational poverty in the community that raised him. Which is why it’s ironic that this is how Trumps named was even brought to LeBrons attention. It was during a Don Lemon CNN interview where King James was reflecting on how sports brings communities from all backgrounds togetherthe complete opposite of what the cult of MAGA is preaching. 

LeBron James explains why he called Trump a ‘bum’

NBA star LeBron James discusses the 2018 political climate and the opening of his new school in Ohio, along with the power sports have to bring people together.

The orange-tinted racist dog whistles are loud AF here.  

The last time King James was told to “shut up and dribble” by Laura Ingraham, the Heil Hydra spokesperson was kicked off Fox News for some time. Of course, Trump won’t be reprimanded for his slander to Lemon and James, but if you need any more reason why the majority of people of color are tired of being judged by mediocre MAGA people, look no further than this false equivalency of what a leader is.

Who’s the king and who’s the peasant? We don’t know what’s in Trump’s orange-hued heart, but if you were to scroll on his Twitter timeline right now, just a few tweets below his Bron insults you’ll see the real sports organizations he’s a fan of. 

Vince McMahon on Twitter

Grateful for our special #MakeAWish guest at @WWE HQ. Thanks for visiting us, Tyler … and for making yourself comfortable in my chair! See you at #SurvivorSeries!

Dan Scavino Jr. on Twitter

@POTUS @realDonaldTrump and @UFC’s @DanaWhite in the Oval Office earlier today at the @WhiteHouse….

The WWE and UFC (both companies who are dealing with race-related problems of their own making) get a retweet from 45, so you know the love is real. Let’s hope Trump keeps that same energy with LeBron (He won’t. He’s a coward.) if he ever ran into him face to face. Because it definitely wouldn’t be on the court. Or in life. 

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