Texans Owner Bob McNair Don’t Care ‘Bout Your Couch Or Your Feelings

In October 2017, The Shadow League and numerous other publications reported on Houston Texans owner Bob McNair who made the most awkward of analogies when describing NFL players who were protesting for black human rights during the national anthem.   

At the time, there was immediate outrage when McNair stated “We can’t have the inmates running the prison” during a meeting that included fellow NFL owners and one league advisor.  Initially, the outrage became part of the still increasing dialectic regarding the language of free speech and race in America. It’s interesting that the three most talkative individuals in the room on that particular day were Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder,
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and McNair himself were among the million-dollar donors to 45. Do we need to mention that Trump is one of the most divisive presidents to come along in a century? Perhaps not, but we did anyway.  

Shannon Sharpe reacts to Bob McNair’s comments at the NFL owners’ meeting | UNDISPUTED

Shannon Sharpe talks Houston Texans and Bob McNair after Sunday’s Week 8 play in the NFL.

As one portion of the country eviscerated McNair for his comments, another portion exalted him. Some Texans players were even speaking of walking out midseason. NFL Head of Football Operations Troy Vincent, himself a five-time Pro Bowler during his career, told reporters he was deeply offended by McNair’s characterization of players as “inmates”.  Indeed, this is an especially troubling term considering the NFL has had more players charged and convicted of serious crimes than all of the other professional American sports leagues.  

Now, as the sports world begins to pivot toward the gridiron due to the upcoming NFL draft, McNair is both rescinding and clarifying his initial apology during an interview with the Wall Street Journal.  Texans owner Bob McNair is not sorry he said the NFL was at risk of having the inmates running the prison last year. He is sorry for apologizing for that comment. 

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Texans owner Bob McNair isn’t sorry for comparing NFL players to “inmates running the prison.” McNair says, “The main thing I regret is apologizing.” https://t.co/636C9dahrM

In business, its a common expression. But the general public doesnt understand it, perhaps, he said. Oh, a common expression in business, huh? Good to know. 

He also denied several claims made by former Texans player Duane Brown, who claimed McNair expressed “dismay” to the team when Barack Obama was elected in 2008, and he denied saying he would not sign players who participated in the protest sparked by Colin Kaepernick.  

I dont go into meetings and express views like that, McNair said of Brown’s claims. I never said that. He has no problem saying things that are not true. 

The main thing I regret is apologizing, McNair said. He insists the inmates he was referring to were not NFL players, but rather league executives who he felt had more control over major decisions than the owners. I really didnt have anything to apologize for. 


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