Magic Johnson Must Trade Lonzo Ball To Get Rid Of LaVar’s Circus

Sorry, folks. But the jokes over.

LaVar Ball has to be stopped. Immediately. Lakers president and team icon Magic Johnson has to do something about him. This simply cant continue anymore.

Balls latest comments arent just outrageous and another good sound bite. Finally, he has crossed the line of simply being just a loudmouth dad giving his opinion about how great his sons are.

Instead, Balls comments – that Lakers coach Luke Walton has lost the team – are destructive and have a real chance to hurt the franchise his son,Lonzo Ball, was supposed to lead back to the championship mountaintop.

Its so bad that Magic should honestly consider trading Lonzo. The headache might just not be worth Lonzos talent in the long run.

It would be different if Lonzo was a star from the word go and it was clear your Messiah had arrived.

But that couldnt be further from the truth. Instead, while other rookies have flourished almost immediately, the jury is still out on Lonzo.

And think about it. If LaVaris this reckless and disruptive when his son isnt even living up to his pre-draft hype, he will be an uncontrollable monster if or when Lonzo starts playing like the star most thought he would be.

It sounds harsh and unfair. But its clear just three months into his son being in the league that LaVar wont calm down. The negative talk will only get worse.

And if you think this wont hurt the Lakers attracting a star or two as ree agents, youre wrong.

The Lakers will be seen as an out of control circus with LaVar being the loudest barker, ruining it for everyone.

No player worth his salt will want to expose themselves to unnecessary scrutiny, from another players dad no less.

Magic has a mess on his hands. And its one that must be addressed sooner than later as the season melts away. 

And this in no way means that Walton cant be criticized. The fact remains that the Lakers stink. They are 1-9 in their last 10. Their win Sunday helped them stop a nine-game losing streak. The Lakers (12-27) are last in the Western Conference.

Worse, despite getting to big time picks in the first round of the draft, they have a real shot to win less games than a year ago, when they were horrid.

With all that said, what Lavar said to the media doesnt help. It hurts big time. From Lithuania, no less, Ball trashed Walton.

You can see theyre not playing for Luke no more,  Ball said in an interview with ESPN. Luke doesnt have control of the team no more. They dont want to play for him.

That left Lonzo and Walton having to clean things up after shootaround on Sunday.

Poor Lonzo knows hes powerless and cant stop his father. Hes a grown man, said Lonzo to the media. Like I said, he is going to say what he wants to say. I cant (do) nothing about it.

When asked about having a preference for certain coaches, Lonzo said, My job is to play basketball. I dont decide who coaches.

What a terrible spot to be in for a 20 year old trying to find his way. You can bet teammates arent cool with the noise at all.

Its just a bad look for Lonzo. And is dad getting the skinny from his son bout the locker room? Other players are sitting there thinking, When will Daddy LaVar bash me and my play?

As for Walton, he believes hes on solid ground with the Lakers and obviously disagrees with LaVar.

Yeah. Were, I feel, very secure in my job status right now, Walton said when asked about assurances from Lakers management. We talk all the time. Theyre 100 percent behind and supporting what were doing.

Many thought it was cute. They loved the father of Lonzo Ball, the second overall pick in this past NBA draft, talking sideways and tough.

Many gave LaVar a pass, called him harmless, just a big-talker.

Magic can no longer look at him that way. LaVar hurts, not helps. He must be stopped.

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