Chris Breezy Set Free. But is he Cured?

It ain’t easy being Breezy.  Especially when you’re an international superstar who can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. Or one who can’t stay out of blog posts questioning irrational behavior.  

Perhaps Chris Brown will change now that he’s been released from Los Angeles County Jail. Incarcerated since mid-March after being kicked out of court-ordered rehab for repeated violations, Brown’s Monday release is a bit of an eye-opener for some. It was just last month when a judge ordered the R&B singer to remain in jail for violating his probation after a 2013 altercation outside of a hotel in Washington, DC. In October, he attacked a man and was charged with misdemeanor assault. Brown is still on probation for beating Rihanna while en route to the 2009 Grammy Awards.

Last month, on May 9, Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin sentenced the singer to serve an additional 131 days in jail. Sentencing him to a year in county jail, but giving credit for nearly eight months, the credits included time Brown had spent in rehab and jail as well as credits for good behavior while behind bars.

Officials said at the time that Brown's time locked up could be cut down even more drastically once sheriff officials began tallying his sentence, determining whether he'd be eligible for early release.

Looks like things worked out. Brandlin said Brown will have to complete the remainder of his 1,000 hours of community labor once he is released from jail.  The judge reportedly took into account that Brown was relatively young when he attacked Rihanna. And that he had a previously undiagnosed mental illness before the case began. 

But the real question: Is he cured? He served the time, but only time will tell if he will redo the crime and be in stereotypical, revolving door, offender mode.


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