Steve Sarkisian Sues USC For Wrongful Termination

Former USC football coach Steve Sarkisian has filed a lawsuit against USC, seeking $12.6 million for wrongful termination after being fired in October for reported alcohol abuse.

The 31-page document filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court alleges that USC breached their contract when they fired Sarkisian instead of allowing him to seek treatment. The document also accuses the school of “invasion of privacy” and “discrimination on the basis of a disability”. 

“Under the circumstances of this case, California law required USC to make reasonable accommodation of giving Steve Sarkisian time off to get help for his disability and then return to his job,” according to the lawsuit. “Instead, USC ignored both its obligations under California law and the commitments it made to Steve Sarkisian.”

Sarkisian reportedly learned of his termination before checking into an in-patient treatment facility. 

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