Soccer Match Ends Early Amid Racist Chants

Racism rears its ugly head in soccer yet again. In Italy, an exhibition match between AC Milan and Pro Patria was marred by racist chants so persistent that several black Milan players walked off the pitch during the middle of the match

Things grew so heated that Kevin Prince Boateng, originally from Ghana, kicked the ball into the stands during the 26th minute. After futile pleas from the PA announcer to stop the chants, Boateng took off his shirt and led the players off the pitch to end the match. 

"Walking off was the right choice when faced with something like this," Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri said. "We need to stop these uncivil gestures. Italy needs to improve and become better educated and more intelligent."

After the match, Boateng took to Twitter to relay his disappointment.

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