Seth MacFarlane to Match $1 Million for Reading Rainbow Campaign

Ted and Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane is doing his part to help bring back the PBS series Reading Rainbow via a web version. LeVar Burton, the actor who hosted the show until its cancellation in 2006, started a campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the project. Setting a goal of raising $5 million, so far the campaign is about a million dollars shy. But MacFarlane has now agreed to match up to $1 million in pledges. For every dollar that’s pledged from now until Wednesday, July 2 — when the campaign ends — MacFarlane will match with his own money.

Burton sent out a special message thanking MacFarlane, writing on the Kickstarter page, “But before you start calling your friends and spreading the word, please help me thank my friend, Seth, for his amazing generosity. With his help, we can make an even bigger difference for an entire generation of kids. That’s just huge.”

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