See What Cardi B Had To Say About President Trump’s Airstrikes

Donald Trump’s decision to bomb Iran and kill general Qasem Soleimani has social media’s emotional meter at 1000. Some are up in arms and stressing the possibility of  World War III. Others are using the serious moment as an oportunity to crack some jokes.

Cardi B hasn’t been shy about offering her critique of President Trump’s job performance. The rap icon isn’t feeling the warmongering and is considering making her next move to the Motherland.

The recent airstrikes have been the brunt of internet jokes about the possibility of a draft and military battle with Iran, but not everyone finds it funny. 

On Friday (Jan. 3), Bardi addressed the situation on Twitter with a mix of comedy and seriousness. 


The Bronx rapper later said she was picking her tribe and reposted fan-made photos of her and Kulture in African-themed headdresses.

According to XXL, “Cardi, who is performing at the Vewtopia Music Festival in Miami later this month, has been critical of Trump on multiple occasions. Back in July, she accused him of not caring about police brutality against Black people.

“Every single time I see a Black man get killed or mistreated by police I just keep saying, ‘What the fuck? Do nobody give a fuck, does nobody care?'” she questioned on Instagram. “And it’s just like, I stopped saying that because it’s like nobody do care. [Trump] don’t care.”

In January, she called Trump out for refusing to pay federal workers during the longest-running U.S. government shutdown in American history. In October, Cardi said she believed Trump would be re-elected in 2020.

Cardi B has used her platform well. She may not be as articulate as trained political orators but she has a pulse on what’s wrong with the government and she’s not afraid to express herself and bring it right to Donald Trump’s doorstep. At least she has political and social consciousness. There are people who claim to be much smarter, saying much less as America continues to be dragged through the mud.

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