Roger Goodell Does Not Anticipate Changing The Redskins Name

Where’s Roger Goodell’s outrage with racist Redskins logo?

The Cleveland Indians are finally making cultural progress and moving into the 21st century by chucking their Indian logo and admitting that it is offensive to Native Americans. In the case of the Washington Redskins, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said on ESPN’s Golic and Wingo this morning that changing the Redskins name to a more racially sensitive description is still a no-go in the eyes of Skins owner Daniel Syder.

I  dont see (Daniel Snyder) changing that perspective, Goodell said.

Adam Schefter on Twitter

One day after the Cleveland Indians announced they would no longer use Chief Wahoo as a symbol after this season, Roger Goodell told @GolicAndWingo that he did not see anything changing with the Washington Redskins nickname.

“We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple. NEVER,” Snyder told USA Today in May of 2013. “You can use caps.”

Despite a growing education and sensitivity concerning race and minority groups in this country and an enlightenment about what is offensive today vs. 30 years ago, Snyder owns a billion dollar corporation and the logo and name associated with that corporation is a huge part of what makes it popular.  He’s not willing to relinquish that at this time.

In addition, Synder grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland. And like most D.C./Maryland residents, including Black folks who know the consequences of racial slurs becoming accepted language as well as any minority group, they are reluctant to part with something that has become almost a religious part of their existence.

Snyder and his fellow Marylanders live to protect the team name because it has become a part of their identity. Many of them measure their own success and mark significant moments in their own lives through the triumphs and tragedies of the team. Deep down, they know the name is offensive, but they fight to protect it because it is a part of their history.

Dan Steinberg on Twitter

Roger Goodell on Redskins name, post-Wahoo decision: “The Redskins have done a tremendous amount of work here, and I think Dan continues to believe in the name, and I don’t see him changing that perspective”

With no end to this conflict in sight, it will be interesting to see what happens going forward and whether or not the outcry will reach proportions that will force the league to get involved in the situation.

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